Design, Mask

17-April-2021 Saturday
This is what my mask smells like

14-April-2021 Wednesday
Soon on the streets of cities a new design of masks. Beware!

10-April-2021 Saturday
Mask as a fashion design element

10-February-2021 Wednesday
From the collection "Winter-Spring 2021"?

12-December-2020 Saturday
A Japanese company has released aroma stickers for masks

03-November-2020 Tuesday
The level of protection is about the same as makeup)

24-October-2020 Saturday
Gulchatay! Show your face!

05-June-2020 Friday
My struggle.

06-March-2020 Friday
Hi-Tech respirator. Why carry all sorts of rags on your face!?

30-November-2019 Saturday
A few words about AR masks

01-April-2019 Monday
Jim Carrey Mask Collage

15-December-2016 Thursday
The history of the design of goalie masks (part 2)
